I'm Helen !
26 years old and all my teeth, born in a small region in the North East of France called Franche Comté.
Often the head "between two clouds" in search of discovering the world. Spontaneous and go-getter
two years ago I decided to leave everything to discover Canada. Since then I have put my suitcases in Montreal. It was here that I met Manon, my partner in this somewhat crazy project.
My ambition? Make people smile. And yes ! I am a dental technician. This meticulous and artistic profession has fascinated me for six years now.
I admire great horizons, nature, travel and painting.
Without forgetting sport, especially running, after having run thousands of kilometers, including four marathons, I am looking for new challenges! Looks like I found it!
And me, Manon !
31 beautiful years on earth to my credit; 28 spent in my very dear countryside in Lorraine.
Passionate about my job as a childcare worker, fascinated by sporting challenges, in love with nature and curious about life; the idea of bringing all these things together in one and the same project literally transported me.
My head is full of dreams, my heart full of hope and a furious desire to take action.
In 2019, I'm off to new adventures in Quebec.
This is where I had the chance to cross paths with Hélène. I don't know how to explain it, but there was this thing that clicked between us right away.
One fine day, I discovered his project The crossing of the smile and there, it is obvious, his dream is our dream.
I was looking for what would make the stars shine in my eyes: here I am embarked on the adventure of crossing the smile by his side.